Wednesday 8 November 2017

Best Solution for Hair Loss - Hair Transplant

Everyone likes their hair to be thick and healthy but what if your hair starts falling and baldness steps in even before it’s time for the same? While hair loss is common in men, hair thinning is women is common as well. However, there is nothing to worry! Kaya Clinic provides a simple solution towards growing back your hair and gaining back the confidence with their hair transplant solution.
Generally, we lose hair on an everyday basis, but the hair strands we lose get replaced with the new ones. This is natural and is something that you don’t need to worry about. However, if you’re losing more hair than what is being replaced, it’s a matter of concern.
Excessive hair loss can happen due to many reason like pollution, lack of hair care, use of chemical products, and others. However, you can always take the help of the Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solution to initiate the process of hair growth, even if you’re completely bald.
The experts at Kaya Clinic will diagnose the cause of hair loss and ensure that you get the right treatment, which hair transplantation. Let’s look at what it is in detail.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Transplant

What is Hair Transplant?

There may be several reasons that lead to baldness and in some cases, the hair grows back. But when the baldness resides for a prolonged time, it may be due to some permanent damage to your hair follicles or the scalp. This is when you’ll require a hair transplant.
It is a permanent procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles on your scalp from the normal hair growth area. Natural hair growth takes place from the transplanted hair follicles.

Who Can Undergo Hair Transplant?

Both men and women are eligible for undergoing a hair transplant but there are certain things that need to be kept in mind when undergoing a hair transplant. Some of which are:
       You should have no reactions to medications
       You should be suffering from extensive hair loss
       You should have a healthy immune system and should be medically fit
       You should be eating a balanced diet and following a better lifestyle

Results Post a Hair Transplant

Once you undergo hair transplant, hair starts growing back naturally. However, it is important that you get it done from the right place. Kaya reviews claim that the transplant solution offered by them in among the best you can get.
Your bald scalp will get covered with thick hair again, if you opt for Kaya’s services. It usually takes around 3-4 months before your hair growth starts again and within a period of around 8-10 months, you’ll notice your hair growing back to normal.

Why Choose Kaya Clinic?

Kaya Clinic’s aim is to make you look beautiful. It’s among the leading well-known enterprises delivering the best quality services. The expert dermatologists at Kaya are experienced and make use of FDA-approved techniques to ensure you the best results.
Every person has his own expectations and his own type of hair problem.  Kaya Clinic is equipped to look after your specific needs and offer you with the desired results.

Kaya Clinic: Hair Transplant Procedure

Kaya Clinic believes in maintaining transparency with their customers. The following step-by-step procedure will help you get acquainted with the Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions. You can read more about it under Kaya Clinic reviews on the web.
1.       Diagnosis for finding the reason of hair loss and consultation with other experts available for better research results
2.       Implementing of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique for hair transplant along with other therapies like Natural Hair Rejuvenation with PRP, Hair Root Activation Laser Therapy, Hair Nutri Infusion Therapy to ensure the best results
3.       Post-transplant maintenance over scheduled sessions                                        

Post Hair Transplant Tips

Important tips to consider post your hair transplant procedure
       Follow precautionary measures recommended by the dermatologist
     Use only the prescribed shampoo for cleaning your hair and scalp
       Do not rub or scuff the transplanted area
       Step out in the sun with your cap on

       Follow the diet recommended by the dermatologists.

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