Friday 10 July 2015

How A Change Of Diet Can Help Vitiligo Patients

Once you notice budding symptoms of  Vitiligo, it is understandable if you get scared and run for a Vitiligo treatment. Apart from professional help, you can easily help yourself with minor changes in your daily diet. Following a Vitiligo diet will help you slow down or even stop the pigment loss effectively.

Vitiligo occurs because the cells that produce melanin either die or simply stop producing it. This causes white patches with non-uniform shapes that slowly enlarge on various areas of the skin. One essential remedy is to follow a Vitiligo diet. But there is no ‘Vitiligo diet’ as such, so I would suggest consulting a doctor before acting on an advice. Fret not, consulting a skin specialist won’t be making any holes in your pockets. You can do some online research to find a suitable doctor for you. For example, try out Kaya skin clinic prices for some affordable skin solutions.

However, changing your eating habits to a more healthier way won’t have any side effects on your health. So you can readily consider following the below ‘Vitiligo diet’.

Vitiligo Diet- Things To Eat

1.     Whole Grains

Whole grains make a vital part of a Vitiligo diet as they are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. You should consider having food items that are rich in Vitamin E as they help you improve your immune system and keep your skin healthy. Oats, being high in vitamin E, will be an ideal addition to your daily diet.

2.     Vegetables

Yeah, we all know vegetables are part of all healthy diets. But there are certain veggies that are specifically useful for Vitiligo cure. Vegetables like spinach, garlic, and cabbage are rich in skin regenerating nutrients and will be good options for your Vitiligo diet plan.

3.     Healthy Fats

Oh yes! There are some fats that can be beneficial if taken in right proportions. Olive oil contains such fats and is easy to add to your dietary regimen. A wide range of nuts are also a good source of healthy fats in addition to protein. 

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